PEMF - A real game changer for athletes


Another short and sweet article on the versatility of PEMF therapy.

We’ll focus on 2 main sections, performance and recovery.

Read on to see how this untapped resource can help you perform the best you can.


I’d like to begin with a quote from a very wise man.

‘You can’t spell performance without PEMF’

- Stefan Filippo

As an athlete, you want to perform well in training and on game day, here are some of the ways PEMFs can help you do just that;


1.     Increases ATP production

Put simply, more energy means better performance


2.     Improves cellular voltage – enhanced muscular contractions

Muscles contract during cellular depolarisation.


So, whether you’re the bodybuilder looking for that extra squeeze, the high jumper striving for maximum muscle recruitment or any sport in between


3.     Improved tissue oxygenation

Super important for the endurance athletes among us, though not just limited to them.

By reducing red blood cell viscosity and enhancing the release of oxygen from hemoglobin, oxygen is better able to permeate the tissues.


4.     Stronger bones

Part of the job of your nervous system is to prevent you from causing yourself serious harm by working beyond the capabilities of your skeletal system.

By improving the strength of your bones, you allow your nervous system to ease off the brake pedal, as you have a stronger structure to support yourself with.


5.     Enhances circulation

Another wise quote

Show me an athlete that doesn’t want to improve blood and I’ll show you a liar

- Stefan Filippo

PEMFs can assist in blood flow by increasing Nitric Oxide production, dilating blood vessels and capillaries and lowering blood viscosity (stickiness).



On the other end of the spectrum is recovery.

Put simply, the faster and more completely an athlete can recover, the better their training will ultimately be.

On top of that, by improving tissue repair, PEMF can help you stay off the sidelines.


PEMF really shines for recovery. Here are some of the ways how;

6.     Improves ligament, bone, muscle, tendon, joint and nerve regeneration

7.     Speeds up waste removal (lactic acid and other metabolites)

8.     Increases delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cell

9.     More deep sleep

10.  Increases cellular ATP production

11.  Shifts the autonomic nervous system toward a parasympathetic state, necessary for recovery

12.  Greater micro and macro-circulation

13.  Reduces pain

14.  Anti-inflammatory

15.  Improved gut health and nutrient absorption

16.  Enhances immune function – you can’t perform when you’re sick!


It’s pretty clear that PEMF can be a game changer for both performance and recovery.  From better circulation to improved energy and faster repair, PEMF has got you covered.


When are you going to utilize PEMF therapy?