Nut Milk Tonic Herb Latte


Like, most of the recipes I have up here, this is not something you have to follow strictly, feel free to get creative, add a bit more of this, a little less of that, whatever you like.

For those who know me or have read a few of these articles, you’ll know I love my tonic herbs. They’re versatile, can be made to taste great, and have supported my body in profound ways.

Props to my beautiful partner for being the inspo for this recipe.



Nut milk

  • 2 cups Nut of choice

  • Filtered water

  • ¼ tsp Vanilla bean powder (optional)

  • Pinch of sea salt (optional)

  • Sweetener to taste (optional)

  • Dates

  • Raw honey

  • Maple Syrup


  • Nut milk

  • 1-2tsp Tonic herbs of choice per person

  • Extra sweetener (optional)

  • Cinnamon (optional)

  • Cacao powder (optional)


The nut milk

  1. Soak your nuts in water for at least a couple of hours.  This is to inactivate the phytic acid.  Yes, we’re activating your nuts

  2. Discard this water, then add the nuts and 1 L of water to a blender with optional extras

  3. Blend

  4. Strain through a nut milk bag

  5. Congratulate yourself, you’ve done well


The latte

  1. Pour in enough nut milk for you and whoever else you’re making this one for (aren’t you nice) into a saucepan with your tonic herbs and any extra sweetener.  Taste and adjust as needed

  2. Turn on the heat and stir in your tonic herbs. Once you’ve reached your desired temperature turn it off

  3. Add this mix to your (rinsed) blender and blend until you get a nice, foamy top

  4. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top

  5. Find a nice place to sit, turn your phone off and savour this time, its all for you (this part is crucial)


Getting specific

Funnily enough I’ve been using Tigernut recently, which is not technically a nut, but a tuber.  I find it to have a great flavour for a base, not overpowering at all.  For the herbs in this mix I don’t think you can go wrong with Astragalus (1tsp), unless it’s close to bedtime, some of the mushrooms (1/2 tsp) (link to an article on the tonic mushrooms and just a little bit about their traditional and modern uses) and He Shou Wu (1/2tsp).

For sweeteners, I don’t use very much, perhaps 1/4tsp of Maple Syrup but that’s just my tastebuds.  I find the Astragalus and some other tonic herbs to already provide a nice sweetness to the blend.

Enjoy friends!!